We are Eclectica.

We are a growing lineage.

A global movement.

An evolving sisterhood with the capacity to transmute shame into raw, unapologetic power.

WHO WE ARE . . .

Eclectica is an epidemic of women and womb-bodied people reclaiming pleasure as their birthright.

We are a performing arts company with a passion for weaving together dance with ritual theatre. Our performances are powerful works of art that can best be described as a metamorphic transmission. We tell stories with the intention of taking our audience on a thought-provoking journey that makes them drop deeply into feeling.

We own a Melbourne-based Dance School and run immersions both interstate and overseas, that offer women and womb-bearers the opportunity to discover who they are beyond social conditioning.

Our branches extend into full-term classes, workshops, immersions, retreats, performances, concerts, and sacred entertainment.

Our mission is to fill the gaps in our social construct and create a safe container for women and womb-bodied people to return to their truest nature through modern-day rites of passage.

Our Dance School has more than 70 students who are walking the path of healing alongside us.

Recognizing that they do this work not only for themselves but also for their ancestors who likely never had the privilege of taking up this much space.

At the core of us, is sisterhood.

A sisterhood with a passion for evolution, healing, and returning to the blueprint of who we are. The blueprint of who we came here to be.

We are the storytellers. We are the torchbearers.

We are Eclectica.

We are the ancestors we’ve been waiting for . . .

Make a donation.

If you like what we do and want to support our vision - please make a donation to contribute to the birthing of our art. We are currently still operating as a grass roots organisation, growing very slowly every day. Chop wood, carry water is our mantra. If you want to support our expansion - every cent counts.
