What started off as just a love for dance and offering ourselves creatively to festivals - has now become a global movement…

Back in 2013, Eclectica was an enchanting group of sisters known by the wider community as ‘the fairies’. We had a love for dance and offering ourselves creatively to festivals. Back then, our offerings were more anchored in the circus/burlesque realms, involving an eclectic mix of aerial hoops, rainbow silk fans, and other eccentric costumes and props. We weaved magic into any space we were in. Dance always took us into a trance together - and onlookers would often enter the trance with us, whether consciously or unconsciously.


At the roots of Eclectica is a beautiful sisterhood - and that’s how it all began . . .

What unravelled from there, was a global following. The more offerings we released, the more traction Eclectica gained. Women in particular, would frequently approach us, asking to join our dance troupe. While we knew we couldn’t say yes to everyone, what we could do is try and replicate the same experience for them, by opening up workshops, immersions, and eventually – the Eclectica School of Womb-Craft and Sacred Dance Practices.

Fast forward 10 years, Eclectica is now its own growing lineage. A global sisterhood. A movement that alters the course of many people’s lives.

We run an incredibly transformative dance school based in Melbourne, Australia - with more than 70 students. We hold immersions both interstate, and all over the world. And interweaved within all of this - is still our sisterhood – where it all began…. a dynamic dance troupe with a love for creativity, dance, and fusing performance art with spirituality and medicine.

Over the years, when we started working more intimately with plant medicine - our offerings evolved into something deeper. Psychedelic formations, ritual theatre, and performances that held an undercurrent of deep intention and storytelling started to emerge.

Crowd members would often approach us afterward in tears, telling us they received the transmission and it changed them. We began to realize that we could use dance as so much more than just ‘entertainment’ – but language of the spirit and literature of the soul. An opportunity to take people on a thought-provoking journey that would make them feel. A permission slip for people to release with us, cry with us, and be in the depths of the human experience with us.